Tuesday, October 12, 2010


No 1 grade, 5" Red Oak hardwood floors, installed.

The Cast Stone Entrance is going up wonderfully.

Granite is Selected! This will finish out at 113.5 x 63.5 inches for the kitchen island!


  1. OH MY! What a dream home!!! Well, Chicago was great, and I ended up taking the road trip to the wedding in Wisconsin with Sarah and saw some beautiful countryside. I was wrong, though, about my Dad flying when he was in the Navy. He said he went by ship to Guam from California and that took two weeks, but he said he'd NEVER, ever flown before (wonder how that rumor got started?!?) Imagine being 83 and flying for the very first time! Well, my dad loved flying!! And we fly again in November, this time to Saint Louis for my niece's wedding.

    Will you be moved in by Christmas?

  2. Our builder won't commit to any time before 1/1/11.
